ROS extension API description

dmcam_ros posted topics

  1. /smarttof/image_dist

    Command used

    rosrun image_view image_view image:=/smarttof/image_dist

    Function description

    Get depth data from topics posted by image_dist

  2. /smarttof/image_gray

    Command used

    rosrun image_view image_view image:=/smarttof/image_gray

    Function description

    Get depth data from topics posted by image_gray

  3. /smarttof/camera_info

    Command used

    rosrun image_view image_view image:=/smarttof/camera_info

    Function description

    Print camera information from topics posted by camera_info

  4. /smarttof/pointcloud

    Command used

    rosrun image_view image_view image:=/smarttof/pointcloud

    Function description

    Display point cloud data from topics published via pointcloud from rviz

Services posted dmcam_ros

  1. /smarttof/change_power

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/change_power “power_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Modify the value of PARAM_ILLUM_POWER dynamically

    function parameter

    value defaults to 0

  2. /smarttof/change_intg

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/change_intg “intg_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Dynamically modify the value of PARAM_INTG_TIME, PARAM_INTG_TIME is the exposure time.

    Function parameter

    The value of the exposure time ranges from 0 to 1500

  3. /smarttof/change_mod_freq

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/ change_mod_freq “mod_freq_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Dynamically modify the value of PARAM_MOD_FREQ, PARAM_MOD_FREQ is the modulation frequency.

    Function parameter

    The value is currently fixed at 12MHz

  4. /smarttof/change_frame_rate

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/ change_frame_rate “frame_rate_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Dynamically modify the value of PARAM_FRAME_RATE, PARAM_INTG_TIME is the exposure time.

    Function parameter

    PARAM_FRAME_RATE is the frame rate ranges from 1 to 30

  5. /smarttof/change_sync_delay

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/ change_sync_delay “sync_delay_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Dynamically modify the value of PARAM_SYNC_DELAY, PARAM_SYNC_DELAY is the synchronization delay time.

    Function parameter

    PARAM_FRAME_RATE is the frame rate ranges from 1 to 30

  6. /smarttof/change_filter

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/change_filter “filter_id: ‘<id>’filter_value:<value>”

    Function description

    Turn on the filtering function of the specified id value in filter_id

    Function parameter

    The id value in filter_id can be set to:

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_LEN_CALIB //Lens calibration

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_PIXEL_CALIB //Pixel calibration

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_RESERVED //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AMP //amplitude filter

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AUTO_INTG //exposure time

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_SYNC_DELAY //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_TEMP_MONITOR //Not currently supported


    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_OFFSET //distance offset


    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_SYS_CALIB //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT_CALIB //Not currently supported

    Currently only the value of filter_value needs to be set in, DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AMP, the range is 0-100

    The value of other filter_value can be 0 by default

  7. /smarttof/disable_filter

    Command used

    rosservice call /smarttof/disable_filter “filter_id: ‘<id>’”

    Function description

    Turn off the filtering function of the specified id value in filter_id

    Function parameter

    The id value in filter_id can be set to:

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_LEN_CALIB //Lens calibration

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_PIXEL_CALIB //Pixel calibration

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_RESERVED //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AMP //amplitude filter

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AUTO_INTG //exposure time

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_SYNC_DELAY //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_TEMP_MONITOR //Not currently supported


    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_OFFSET //distance offset


    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_SYS_CALIB //Not currently supported

    DMCAM_FILTER_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT_CALIB //Not currently supported