SmartToFCli instructions


The dmcam-cli tool in the SDK is convenient for users to diagnose and test during secondary development. The tool covers almost all the API support of the dmcam library. You can use the dmcam-cli tool to make batch scripts and design your own scenarios. Get the corresponding data. Including the following functions:

  • View a list of available devices

  • Obtaining device information

  • Destination register configuration

  • Read and set common parameters

  • Acquisition and storage of different types of image data

  • Device reset

  • Device firmware update

Operating mode

dmcam-cli can interact with hardware devices through the command line. Generally, it is used in the following three ways:

  • Command line parameter mode:See below for specific parameter definitions Detailed command

  • Script file mode: refer to ‘-s, –script <file>’ option in Detailed command

  • Interactive mode:refer to ‘-i, –interactive’ option in Detailed command

The following figure is a reference screenshot of the command line parameter mode and interactive mode.



Under windows, double-click to run dmcam-cli.exe directly, and enter interactive mode by default.

Detailed command

The following table lists all dmcam commands and parameters, and shows the basic usage of the sample. For more detailed instructions, you can enter –help and –help-interactive parameters to view.

Command list

Script mode functions


appended options


Designated device

-d, --device <device>

dmcam-cli.exe --print info --device 0

set verbosity

-v, --verbosity <level>

dmcam-cli.exe --print info --device 0 -v critical

Enumerating devices

-l, --list

dmcam-cli.exe -l

Reset device

-r, --reset

dmcam-cli.exe -r

Interactive mode command, supports multiple executions.

-e, --exec <command>

dmcam-cli.exe -e "print info" -e "print frame_format"

Run provided script

-s, --script <file>

dmcam-cli.exe -s script.txt

Enter interactive mode

-i, --interactive

dmcam-cli.exe -i

print cli version


dmcam-cli.exe --version

print cli help info

-h, --help

dmcam-cli.exe --help

show interactive mode help info


dmcam-cli.exe --help-interactive

Firmware upgrade

-f, --flash-MCU-firmware <file>

dmcam-cli.exe --flash-MCU fw_mcu.bin

Write register


--target <target> --base <base> --value <val>

dmcam-cli.exe --regwr --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 --value 0xaa dmcam-cli.exe --regwr --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 --value "0xaa 0xbb 0xcc" dmcam-cli.exe --regwr --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 --value test.bin

Read register


--target <target> --base <base>

dmcam-cli.exe --regrd --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 dmcam-cli.exe --regrd --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 --cnt 5 dmcam-cli.exe --regrd --target tfc_tg --base 0x100 --cnt 5 --value test1.bin

Set parameter

--set <param>

[--param <param>] --value <val>

dmcam-cli.exe --set mode --value 1

Get parameter

--print <param>

[--param <param>]

dmcam-cli.exe --print mode

The following is the interactive mode

View command help information

help <cmd>

help rx

Device List


Firmware upgrade

flash <target> <version>

flash mcu fw_mcu.bin

Write register

regwr <target> <base> [<&file> | <P0> <P1>… <P4n>]

regwr mcu 0x11 test.bin regwr tfc_de 0x10 0x11 0x12 13

Read register

regrd <parameter> <base> [cnt] [&file]

regrd mcu 0x01 5 regrd tfc_de 0x10 test2.bin

Set parameter

set <parameter> <arguments>

set frequency 1 set frame_format 1 set frame_rate 30 set intg_time 30

Get parameter

print/p [parameter]

print print info print mode print frequency print format print frame_rate print roi

Collect a fixed number of frames data to a file

rx <data src> <&file> <frame count>

rx raw raw.bin 10 rx depth depth.bin 10

Collect a fixed amount of data into the buffer

read <frame count>

read 5

The same as print info



Display all version information



Collect data at specified time and distance

capture <option> <args>

capture -c start

Filter parameter configuration

filter <id> <enabled> [args]

filter <ID_AMP> 1 40

Reset command

reset <target>

reset sys


cls quit help h rx echo who am i


For the TC series modules, the read and write operations of the registers are cautious. Misreading and writing may cause unpredictable problems.

View a list of available device information

After the device is connected, you can use the dmcam-cli -l command to view the list of available devices. The command is as follows:

dmcam-cli -l

The output is as follows:

4 dmcam device found
[0]: Type=USB  BUS:PORT:ADDR=07:04:03
[1]: Type=USB  BUS:PORT:ADDR=07:03:04
[2]: Type=ETH IP= CID=0xfbf056c1
[3]: Type=ETH IP= CID=0xf2a4fa3e

Obtaining hardware device information

After the device is connected, you can use the print command of the dmcam-cli interactive mode to obtain hardware device information. The command format is as follows:

p [parameter]

Common parameter settings

After the device is connected, you can set the hardware parameters through the set command of the dmcam-cli interactive mode. The command format is as follows:

set <parameter> <arguments>

You can use the following command to view which parameters can be set and their meanings. The command is as follows. The result is shown in the figure below.:

help set

Acquisition and storage of different types of image data

After the device is connected, you can use the dmcam-cli interactive mode rx command to collect data and save the data into the specified file. The collected data format includes raw data, depth data, grayscale data, and point cloud data. The command format is as follows:

rx  <data src> <&file> <frame count>

Save or print the pixel distance information of the specified area

After the device is connected, you can use the capture command of the dmcam-cli interactive mode to collect data and save the data into a specified file or print it out. The format of the collected data includes temperature, distance, amplitude, and the command format is as follows. See help cap :::

cap -s 10 -p 119,159,120,160 -c start

Device reset

After the device is connected, you can reset it using the reset command of the dmcam-cli interactive mode. The command format is as follows:

reset <target>

The test results are shown below:


Firmware upgrade

Reference for detailed firmwareupgrade