SmartToFViewer Instructions


SmartToFViewer is a visualization tool that can be used to quickly evaluate the effects of the module, familiarize the effects of different parameters on the display effect, and determine the best parameters to assist the actual development and use.
The main support functions are as follows:
  • Device selection, on, off, etc.

  • Display depth map, grayscale map, etc.

  • Display pointcloud map with PCLViewer

  • View the distance between the object and the module camera

  • View module information and working status

  • Set common parameters

  • Set filtering characteristics

  • Set sport mode

  • Video and playback video

Graphical interface introduction

The overall preview after SmartToFViewer is opened is as follows, SmartToFViewer interface mainly includes:

  • Capture control area

  • Image display area

  • Basic setting area

  • Advaced setting area

  • Video setting area

  • Information area

../../_images/viewer.png ../../_images/pcl.png

Detailed instructions


Function description

“Start &Stop” button

Start and stop acquire image

Select Device

List all device and choose one to use

Open Replay

Choose record file to replay

Device state

Indicate camera state, including Ready, Busy, Open failed, Capturing state

HW/SW information

Indicate camera hardware and software version, production series


Camera internal temperature

Frame rate

Current frame rate and total frame count

Pixels distance information

[pixel axis, distance, average distance, std. error @percent, pixel amplitude]

Image display area

Display enhanced depth map, gray map, and color depth map

Menu bar

see the following chapter


Frame rate, modulation frequency, binning setting. Details see list after click ComBox

View/Color Map

List all supported map and color mode


Selected will active PCL Viewer window

Exposure time

First exposure time(TC-E 0~1500us, TC-S 0~1000us), can be adjust during capture

HDR exposure time

Second exposure time(TC-E 0~1500us, TC-S 0~1000us) in HDR mode, can be adjust during capture, should bigger than the first exposure time

Min-Amp filter

Adjust confidence threshold value via scroll bar

Flying noise Filter

Adjust filter parameter via scroll bar

Smooth Filter

Adjust filter parameter via scroll bar

Range minimum

The depth map minimum range

Range maximum

The depth map maximum range

Auto Exposure

Enable/Disable auto exposure


Image flip setting


Enable/Disable HDR mode


Enable/Disable Lens distortion calibration


Enable/Disable pixels calibration


Enable/Disable depth image filter


Enable/Disable motion blur eliminate mode (Only support TC-E series module)

Recording and setting


Function description

Record Enable

Enable Recording

OpenNI compatible

Enable record file compatible OpenNI recorder format

Repeat Playing

Display enhanced depth map, gray map, and color depth map


Save path setting

Run SmartTofViewer, switch to the “Recorder Setting” menu, check “Record Enable”, and pop up the save file name and directory dialog box to save the video file, as shown below:


Click “Start”, the captured image will be saved to a local file at this time, run as shown below, click the “Stop” button to stop recording:


Play the video file, click “Open Replay”, select the file you just recorded, as shown below:


Click “Start”, the effect is as shown below:



In the video file replay mode, the adjustments of the “modulation frequency”, “sport mode 0”, “sport mode 1”, “HDR”, and “exposure time” settings are invalid.

Advaced setting area


Function description


frame format

Distance offset

overall pixels distance offset

illumination power

illumination power(Only for TC-S3 HW30, SW>205, BTL>101)